Get It From Jamie

Happy client since December 29, 2020.

Get it from Jamie landing page

About Get it from Jamie

Jamie Saala is an independent sales consultant for two brands, Elk River Soap Company and Usborne Books.

Before launching her website, Jamie marketed her products primarily on social media. As an independent consultant, she relied on custom referral links in order to get a commission on any sales that she brought in.

Her goal was to create a central landing page to make it easier for customers to buy from her, join her social groups, and even join her sales team. Instead of sending customers long referral links to buy her products, she can tell them to, “Get it from Jamie” on her new website. Easy peasy!



  • NSingle Landing Page
  • NContact Form
  • NSocial Media Integration
  • NCustom shop links
Web design for independent consultant

Goodbye missed opportunities.

As an independent sales consultant, it’s important that my customers are using my custom referral links so that I earn a commission on my sales. My website automatically includes my custom links when someone clicks through to buy a product with one of my partner companies. It’s fantastic!

Goodbye missed opportunities.

As an independent sales consultant, it’s important that my customers are using my custom referral links so that I earn a commission on my sales. My website automatically includes my custom links when someone clicks through to buy a product with one of my partner companies. It’s fantastic!

Web design for independent consultant

“Very professional, very fast!”

5 Star review from Jamie Saala
Jeremy Collins
Designed by Jeremy Collins